neděle 31. ledna 2016

WNBF PRO World Championships & SNBF Swiss Natural Cup

In my previous blog I was talking about my competitive season from the start until UKDFBA where I`ve got my pro card. In this blog I will write up two more contests I entered in 2015.

After UKDFBA in UK I made decision to compete in Switzerland Natural Cup on 7th November (just one week before the WNBF World Championships in Atlantic city).
Hard to say if it was a good decision or bad. I felt like I need some more experience and as a newly crowded PRO I had chance to compete in Switzerland.

SNBF Swiss Natural Cup - 7th November 2015

There were 15 professional athletes from many different countries. I`ve got number 3 and was weighting around 80kg. I was in a great shape (just 3 weeks after my UKDFBA win in UK).
I`ve got 7th place and I was not happy at all :-) But I stayed cool and behave like a professional. I placed myself on 4th place. But thats the competition. Sometimes you win and sometimes not. It was a good experience. Top 3 guys were outstanding (two of them I beat in UK show just couple of weeks before) and I knew that I couldn`t match with their size - to my surprise - there was only one class for all of uz with no weight limit!! But other then that it was a great contest, venue, people, amazing place. I would definitely come back to visit and I would reccomend to anyone to compete with this Swiss federation. Polygraph testing and registration was the day before the contest. I spent there very short time but could manage to walk around and see some local places. Very beatufil country and nice people.

I`ve had my flight back to Prague on Sunday 8th November and went straight to gym train legs as I had only four days before I was flying to Newark. I felt very tired and all my body was aching. But I just said "mind over matter" and kept on going. Monday 9th November - I had already high body temperature 39,1 C - so I canceled all my clients and spent most of my time in bed - except my morning cardio and training session - but OMG - was it hard. I felt no pump at all. Like all my body was shutting down. I knew its not good but didn`t know what to do. Tuesday and Wednesday - I felt even worst and spent all day in bed but went to the gym for my session and cardio. Thursday morning I was flying to Newark, Atlantic City for WNBF Pro World Championships.

WNBF Pro World Championships 14th November 2015

Thursday 12th November was my flight early morning but still could manage do my morning ritual - 300 lunges and outdoor drills (pull ups thick bar; hanging leg raises; KB swing; KB one arm clean and press; push ups). I felt very bad, still had high temperature, full nose, headache. But somehow didn`t wanna quit.

Arrived Newark around 3pm local time and spent the rest of the day in my friends house lying in the bed feeling really bad with full nose and all my body aching. Felt like sh...t. But didn`t want to give up.

Friday 13th November - registration at the Trump Taj Mahal Hotel. Lots of people, some familiar faces. I met many friends from UK, Lee Kemp and his UK GB team. I was unable to weighted in under 180lbs and so I fall into heavyweight category, to my surprise ( my weight was 182,4lbs). 12 athletes in my class and I knew I will be in trouble with first class athletes competing here.

Saturday 14th November - WNBF Pro World Championships. I could hardly get any pump...Felt so sick, full nose, headache, all I was thinking was my bed. But I knew that it`s gonna be a long day. I could walk away and go back home but I wanted to finish this year with integrity, even when I knew that I will not win or place in top position. It was my first time competing in US - one of my dreams - but I would never imagine that it will be like this - so after the contest I was thinking - did I start my contest prep too early? Or did I go over my limit? Hard to say, I was preparing for UKDFBA contest in UK in October and I thought that with couple of weeks more I will be even in better shape but... Somehow it didn`t work. Anyway, it was a great experience and especially to see Brian Whitacre win his class and then take the overall for the first time - it was just breathtaking experience in natural bodybuilding. Somewhere deep inside of me I know that I will be back, better than ever. It was not my best experience but I am still thankful for it. I love what I do and I appreciate all the help from people around me, they know who they are.

neděle 17. ledna 2016

Udo`s Choice for energy & stamina

Getting essential fats into your body is often the missing link in many people's diet and can restrict athletic performance.

Essential Fatty Acids provide your cells with the nutrition they need in order to function properly. Without them they do not operate as well as they could and this can affect overall health, muscle recovery, joint suppleness, energy, stamina and ultimately for the sports enthusiast, athletic performance.

Essential Fatty Acids can help raise energy levels in a number of ways:

Improved membrane regulation - the essential fatty acids (EFAs) will make your cell membranes better configured for transport of nutrients in and waste out. They do this by regulating the fluidity of the membrane, so that transport proteins can work correctly. Think of it like the gates in and out of a sports ground - if they are rusty and seized, then flow in and out is no good, but once they are well oiled, then movement is restored to its original optimum.

Improved fat metabolism - by activating certain pathways (known as PPAR ), EFAs change the way your genes are interpreted. This leads to better fat burning, and less fat storage. The fat burning is both from food in the diet, and from your body, so combined with the reduced storage, you are effectively tuning your body to use fat rather than hold on to it.

Fat burning more effective for endurance and strength sports - Carbohydrate based diets are great for short bursts of energy but can lead to slumps without regular refueling during an endurance or strength event.  Fat, on the other hand burns slowly and steadily, providing a longer and more stable fuel source.

Two independent research studies investigating the use of Udo's Choice Ultimate Oil Blend in Elite strength and endurance athletes found that it lead to improved energy levels and endurance.

A runner increased his weekly running distance from 90km to 147km
A cyclist increased his daily cycling distance from 60-80km to 120km-180km per day
A boxer taking the oil blend after eight weeks increased his workout time from 1.5 hours to 2.5 hours twice daily

We also measured cardiovascular risk factors. After 106 days, their resting blood glucose was slightly lower, triglycerides were significantly reduced, 'good' HDL cholesterol was significantly higher, 'bad' cholesterol was down significantly, and HDL/LDL ratio was better.

The foods we eat are broken down by digestive enzymes and if these are lacking we tend not to be able to absorb all the nutrients into our body. The enzymes naturally found in our foods are often destroyed by either processing or cooking, so taking Udo's Choice Digestive Enzymes may help you to fully absorb the nutrients in the foods you eat so that your body is fully prepared for training.

neděle 10. ledna 2016

San Diego, California

Here we go. Another blog. This time about my last summer which I spent in California, San Diego.
I had an opportunity to go there with one of my client. It wasn`t easy to decide because I just started with my Udo`s Choice e-shop here in Prague, Czech republic and also I had clients in gym. But somewhere inside of me that little voice was telling me that this is good decision. I was also in preparation for my contest in October and was worried how can I handle all that training and food and cardio, posing etc. But in the end - I am grateful for that amazing experience. I love San Diego. I met some great people there. I trained in WORLD GYM - the best gym I have ever been to - and trust me - I have been in so many that I can`t count them. Absolutely fantastic atmospehre, old school gym, lots of iron, sweat, rock music, friendly people, everything was there. It just clicked with me. I felt so connected with this place. City of San Diego - friendly people, hot weather, beach, water, coffee house... I visited Los Angeles twice - Venice Beach, Muscle Beach, Golds Gym in Venice, Hollywood Blv., Hollywood sign and other famous places; San Francisco - very nice city with lots of things to see - Golden Gate bridge, Golden Gate park, Alcatraz, Fisherman`s Warf, Pier 39, Painted ladies and many more. On the way back to San Diego I saw one of the most beautiful coastline in my life - Santa Barbara - Big Sur - Carmel... Breathtaking!
I was kayaking for the first time in my life. Jumped from the plane. I was hiking so many places... Still felt like there are so many things to do and so many places to see...California is really big! Will upload some pictures so you can enjoy it with me :-)

Thanks for reading.

Coach Martin