Trap bar deadlift ( bar is 45 or more ) 10r bar, 10r 2x45lbs +bar, 10r 4x45lbs+bar, 5r 6x45lbs+bar, 3r 8x45lbs+bar, 1r 455lbs, 3x1r 495lbs/224kg *using belt & chalk
One-arm dumbbell row 10,8reps 150lbs/68kg DB *using belt & wrist straps
T-bar rows 10r 210lbs/95kg, 8r 235lbs/106,5kg *using belt & chalk
Seated cable rows (V-handle) 12,10 r 250lbs/113kg
Barbell pullover 2x12 r bar (45lbs) *doing this with very light weight, I injured my left arm/shoulder/latissimus in february while skiing in the mountains
Thick bar curls 12r 40lbs + bar (55lbs), 10r 50lbs + bar (55lbs) *using fat gripz
Weighted crunch 2x15r 110lbs DB on my chest
* Stretching & foam rolling at the end.
Another great session. Strong. Intense. Focused. Fast.
I did yoga in the morning ( leg focus ) and trained afternoon in the gym.
Old School Bodybuilding for Strong - Healthy - Fit LIFE.
Wednesday was day off but I went for little hike and then to swimming pool for 30min.