I haven`t been here for a while. My life was very busy past few months.
In March I started with my contest prep for this year. I have decided to compete again after two years off stage and my aim is for UKDFBA Lee Kemp show in UK which is in October and then WNBF PRO in New York one month after that.
I have lots of work - working with my clients, during weekends doing also some sport massage, and opening my e-shop very soon with Udo`s Choice supplements here in Czech.
My daily routine is the same on most of the days - wake up around 4am - training before I eat - then shower - breakfast - work till evening - preping my meals at night and repeat.
Must say I really love it and enjoy every day - even though its sometimes very challenging.
I weight train 4 days a week now 2+2 days and doing some cardio after every session no more then 20min. Also training every morning - drills - very short but intensive training at home - and sometimes I go for a long walk too .
I use fat grip whenever I can - old school style - just love it. I try to stick with 6-10 reps on most of my exercises except abs, calves, forearm.
Some of my lifts at the moment - deadlift 200kg for reps - benchpress in the rack 110kg for reps - squat 180-200kg for reps (haven`t squatted for a month due to minor tear in my muscle) - dumbbell press 55kg for reps - shoulder press in the rack 80kg for reps - leg press 500kg for reps - barbell curl 60kg for reps - feel stronger then ever.
Here in this blog I will post some progress pics from past two months as I didn`t have much time to do so before.
136 days till my first contest in UK and I am feeling strong and focused. I really love what I do.
I will cover my diet plan in the next blog with some reciepes and photos.
Train hard - eat clean - be the best you can be.