sobota 7. března 2015

Masseur for sport and regenerative massages

Haven`t post anything in a while. I`ve been very busy with life in general, working hard and studying. In past 8 weeks I also succesfully finished my masseur course and from now on I do private massages especially for my clients.

Life has been up&down, but one thing I have in mind - doesn`t matter what is going on around - I still keep training and eating good clean food. I am lucky to have my dream job and to do what I love the most. Love working with people.

Last week started with my contest prep for this year. Its gonna be long 26 weeks and it might be my last year onstage so I am going to be at my best, as always. I am @ 89kg at the moment, will post some picture on instagram later on.

Be the best you can be.
